Fruits of the “Pastoral Areas” in Abuja Archdiocese.

Fruits of the “Pastoral Areas” in Abuja Archdiocese.

It was a very exciting evening today when Archbishop Kaigama celebrated Mass in a Pastoral Area created three years ago, St. William, Angwan Hakimi. From the neighborhood also came some Protestants and Muslims to share in the joy of the ocassion, during which twenty four couples had their marriage solemnized.

The newly built parish house, with a boys’ quarters attached, all built through the local effort of the people was blessed and the priest in charge, Fr. Ferdinand Kinsley, took up residence.

The Archbishop congratulated the priest and his people for their wonderful collaboration and untiring effort, resulting in the gift of the house they built to the Archdiocese.

He commended the self-reliance approach of parishioners of most pastoral areas in the Archdiocese, admitting though that in many places they still have no approved land, no parish house, no standard church structure, but their determination is unwavering. He appealed to Catholics who have the means to come to the support of such pastoral areas.

The Archbishop’s visit was indeed a feast for the people of Angwan Hakimi.

Fr. Paul Zirra.

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