Pastoral Statement of the Catholic Bishops of Abuja Ecclesiastical Province at St William’s Cathedral, Lafia, Nasarawa State on 26th June, 2024

Pastoral Statement of the Catholic Bishops of Abuja Ecclesiastical Province at St William’s Cathedral, Lafia, Nasarawa State on 26th June, 2024

Consequent upon our meeting as the Catholic Bishops of Abuja Ecclesiastical Province held in Lafia from 25th to 26th June, 2024, we issue the following pastoral statement:

We are eternally grateful to God for the significant increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life as well as the uninterrupted growth of the faith in the province as it is most evident in the administration and reception of the sacraments and the high Mass attendance.

Our Concerns
As shepherds and spiritual custodians of the spiritual and temporal goods of the Mystical Body of Christ in Abuja Ecclesiastical Province, we are essentially concerned about these:

  1. Groups that Claim to be Catholic Churches: we have noticed the establishment of some churches with the appendage “Catholic.” And so, we paternally advise unsuspecting Catholics to always confirm from their Parish Priests the legitimacy of these Churches where they exist.
  2. Security: We are deeply worried about the unabating spate of insecurity in the province in particular and the nation at large, which has sadly resulted in pastoral setbacks and the displacement of some of our pastoral agents with their parishioners. We passionately appeal to government at all levels to be more proactive and decisive in dealing with this monster that has bedevilled our country as security of lives and properties is its primary statutory responsibility.
  3. St Thomas Aquinas’ Major Seminary, Makurdi: The Church in Abuja Ecclesiastical Province is blessed with a generous response to the vocation of the Catholic Priesthood. Accordingly, we appeal to good and generous Catholics across the length and breadth of the province to assist in the formation of these seminarians either in cash or kind.
  4. Youth Empowerment: We commend our Catholic youths for remaining focused, optimistic and committed to the Church and their faith. Some of these youths are unable to reach their full potential in the society because of unemployment. As a result, they resort to crimes. We, therefore, urge the government to invest more in youth empowerment for the growth and development of our dear nation. We equally call on individuals who are enabled to join in the effort in order to engage the youth.
  5. Economic Hardships: We have witnessed the continuous rise in the prices of essential commodities in the market. Owing to this, most families are under financial stress as they are unable to make ends meet. We stand in solidarity with those in the lower income bracket and call on the government to expedite actions that would bring long-lasting relief and succour to ordinary Nigerians.
  6. Illegal Mining: Reports have it that there are some illegal mining activities going on in and around the province and elsewhere. The government should regulate these activities for the good of the local communities.
  7. Politicians: We encourage politicians to return to the grass root so as to identify with the plight of the electorate, especially in these harsh and tough economic times.
    CBCN Directives
    In line with the directives of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), we wish to remind the Provincial Chaplains and executives of lay associations that their tenure is four years non-renewable.
    Appointments: The under listed priests have been appointed as Provincial Chaplains for the following societies:
  8. Fr Araiyegbemi GERALD (Lokoja Diocese) – Catholic Lectors Association of Nigeria
  9. Fr Emmanuel ODIONG (Abuja Archdiocese) – Zumuntan Mata.
  10. Fr Wilfred MESHEDA (Lokoja Diocese) – Laity Council
    Representatives of Laity Council: Having fruitfully interacted with the representatives of our Provincial Laity Council for the first time under the aegis of Catholic Men Organization (CMO), Catholic Women Organization (CWO) and Catholic Youth Organizations of Nigeria (CYON), we commend them for their unwavering commitment to the Church and encourage them to be exemplary, transparent and accountable. Furthermore, we remind societies and sodalities in the Church that they are all under the umbrella of Laity Council and should closely collaborate with them.
    Minority Groups: We realize that some minority groups in our localities have been segregated. We call on the government to give them recognition and protection.
    Congratulations: The Catholic Bishops of Abuja Ecclesiastical Province congratulate Most Rev Matthew Ishaya Audu on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his priestly ordination and wish him the best.

We welcome a team of the Aid to the Church in Need, Poland led by Prof. Fr Cislo Waldemar and thank the Catholic Bishop of Lafia Diocese, Most Rev David AJANG, for his hospitality and generosity as our host. We commit you all to the maternal intercession of Our Lady, the Queen of Nigeria.

Most Rev Ignatius A. KAIGAMA Most Rev David AJANG

Metropolitan Archbishop of Abuja Province Secretary and Bishop of Lafia Diocese

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