Category: NEWS


Visiting The Sick

Reflection by Archbishop I.A. Kaigama at Lugbe Deanery Cathedraticum
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We must encourage people who are sick or dying to give them hope and assure them of God’s abiding presence.


The Reality of the Cross

Homily by Archbishop I. A. Kaigama, Fifth Sunday of Lent at St. Matthew’s Pastoral Area, Paso
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The price of eternal life is sacrifice; to surrender all else for the sake of the kingdom of God.


The Decalogue and their Practical Implications

Homily by Archbishop I. A. Kaigama on Third Sunday of Lent, Year B, Our Lady Queen of Nigeria Pro-Cathedral, Abuja
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Without laws, we risk ending up as a chaotic society. We obey human laws but sometimes we feel that divine laws tamper with our personal freedom.